The Google definition of Gratitude is:
"the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness."
How interesting. I never thought of "READINESS to show appreciation" as part of the definition for gratitude. Sometimes it easy easy to be grateful AFTER the fact, AFTER blessings, or AFTER things go our way.. but are we READY to show appreciation at any given time? I think this requires a lot of humility and probably a lot of practice. It is something I've been thinking about and want to try. I want gratitude to be a daily, automatic characteristic. I want to be READY to fall on my knees and thank Heavenly Father at any time, EVEN IF IT ISN'T WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR. Lastly, the definition says "and to return kindness." We are not truly grateful for something unless we keep that spirit of thanksgiving going by continuing to serve others.
#MonthOfGratitude #November #Thankful #FoodForThought #IWantThanksgivingFood