It seems like a silly thing to write about.. 'Why I'm a Mormon' ... but I saw someone else do this and it really got me thinking, why am I a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? I rarely ever bear my testimony out loud.. so I thought this would be good for me.
I think so many people are under the assumption that being raised in the church will automatically force one to believe in it. That could not be more false. Yes, initially my testimony was simply a branch of my parents. Yes, just like every other primary kid, I had the "I know this church is true" memorized. Yes, I had the standard prayer rehearsed. Yes, baptism was all I knew. Yes, every Sunday I was practically shoved to church.
HOWEVER, I am a Latter Day Saint because I have gained my own testimony and know these things are true.
As a kid, I always felt so strongly about the gospel. I never felt embarrassed by it or ashamed. I've been called a goody-two-shoes more than once in my life (jokingly), but I was OK with that title.
I didn't pass up alcohol because I was afraid of getting caught. I didn't refuse to shoplift because I was chicken. I didn't practice abstinence to stay "safe". I didn't uphold high standards just because I felt like it. I did this because I KNEW and understood God's commandments. They are not there to restrict us, they are simply there to keep us healthy. Yes, healthy. Emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually healthy.
One time I heard a parable about a kite in seminary that stuck with me. A kite was frustrated because it wanted to fly higher and higher but it was being held down by the person on the ground who was flying it. So, it decided to slip away. After it slipped away, it hit the ground and blew into the nearest bush and got stuck.
We may feel similar to this kite at times--like there are too many restrictions, guidelines, commandments, etc. that are holding us down. In reality though, the gospel is keeping us grounded while we still are able to soar. Just like the kite found that it could no longer fly without someone there, we also find that we cannot fly in life alone. We are only able to reach our our full potential if we stay true to the faith and keep our covenants with God.
We may feel similar to this kite at times--like there are too many restrictions, guidelines, commandments, etc. that are holding us down. In reality though, the gospel is keeping us grounded while we still are able to soar. Just like the kite found that it could no longer fly without someone there, we also find that we cannot fly in life alone. We are only able to reach our our full potential if we stay true to the faith and keep our covenants with God.
An epiphany came to me like never before.. I always questioned, 'Why can't someone just be a genuinely good person, love one another, love God, etc. without organized religion? More specifically, why would someone be Mormon?' I came to understand that without the saving ordinances performed by the priesthood keys, there is no promise of exaltation. Being a good person is important, but is not good enough. Everyone is promised resurrection and eternal life, but only those who participate in these ordinances and live righteously are promised exaltation - the highest degree of glory in the highest kingdom. "...and the a saints shall be filled with his b glory, and receive their c inheritance and be made d equal with him."(D&C 88:107)
Making bad choices or choosing another faith does not make someone a lesser person. However, we limit the Spirit's ability to be a constant companion. We limit the blessings and promises from our Heavenly Father, specifically those made in the temple.
We do NOT, however, limit His love.
If there is but one foundation for my testimony, it is the knowledge that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me. This is where it all began for me.
I remember this night so clearly. Oakcrest 2007 - We were sitting around in a circle in our cabin listening to our leader "Smooch" talk to us. Our candles were burning and I could see the glimmer in her eyes as she shared her testimony of Heavenly Father. She told each one of us 13-year-old girls that we were never alone. We were created in His image. We were daughters of a king! She told us that He knew each of us individually and understood our insecurities, our trials, our faults our everything!
I knew right then and there that I had a literal Father in Heaven. He knew me, Andrea Lu Denos and is actively involved in my life.
As important as all that knowledge is, there is so much more to being a Latter-Day-Saint! Nothing comes at once, but rather "...line upon line, precept upon precept..."
Here are some of my "line upon line" moments...
Feeling comfort from a father's blessing as he says EXACTLY what I was in need of, with the peace and confirmation that could only come from the priesthood.
Stepping out of the baptismal font as an 8-year-old girl feeling perfect.
Stepping out of the baptismal font as an 8-year-old girl feeling perfect.
While watching the Joseph Smith movie downtown in the theater, silent tears falling and I knew he was a true prophet.
Bearing my testimony at Girl's Camp while my heart is throbbing out of control and the spirit testifies the truth of my words.
Bearing my testimony at Girl's Camp while my heart is throbbing out of control and the spirit testifies the truth of my words.
The spirit literally sending chills throughout my entire being while singing How Great Thou Art at my Grandpa Denos' funeral, and I knew that the lyrics were a true testimony of God.
Reading in the Book of Mormon and discovering answers. I have many journal entries where I found exactly my answer in a specific verse or chapter.
Receiving the answer to prayers when deciding which college to attend. Having the knowledge that I was in the right place at the right time.
The laying of hands on my head as I'm doing work in the temple, and I know that there are spirits on the other side that have been waiting what seems like eternity for that moment.
While visiting my Grandpa Tom's grave and literally feeling his presence and hearing him telling me that he was proud of me and my direction in life. Moments where the veil is thin.
Sitting in the Patriarch's home on April 28, 2013, receiving my Patriarchal Blessing. I truly knew that each word was for me.
I guess I've always known. Those moments were simply stepping stones and confirmations to my already existing testimony.
I do not live my religion perfectly, and nobody does. That is why our Savior Jesus Christ was sent to atone for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane. He died on the cross on Calvary. Willingly and selflessly, he took our sins, burdens, pains and sorrows upon himself.
Not only did He experience the bad for us, but also the good. When we have sweet moments in our life or experience a tender mercy, our Lord took part in that too. He knows our thoughts and feelings. I love knowing that when I am on my knees conversing with Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I am understood. After a good day, I know someone understands my joy, and after a terrible day, I know that someone understands my distraught.
As I continue to study the Book of Mormon, I hope to increase my knowledge and understanding of the gospel. I will never have a perfect knowledge of these things, but that's OK! When I focus on what I know and less on what don't know, I will progress.
I am a Mormon because it has brought me so much happiness, joy and direction in my life.
I am a Mormon because the spirit has testified to me the truthfulness of this gospel.
I am a Mormon because I believe that families are eternal and temple marriage is essential.
I am a Mormon because I know there is modern-day revelation and that the prophets we have on the earth today are true prophets of God
I am a Mormon because I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and can provide strength and guidance.
I am a Mormon because when I have felt 'not good enough', I feel the Savior's love and compassion.
I am a Mormon because when I make mistakes, I feel the realness of the atonement. I can be forgiven.
I am a Mormon because I believe in the Plan of Salvation and know God has a plan for each of us.
I am a Mormon because I honestly wouldn't be who I am today without this church.
I am a Mormon because it has brought me so much happiness, joy and direction in my life.
I am a Mormon because the spirit has testified to me the truthfulness of this gospel.
I am a Mormon because I believe that families are eternal and temple marriage is essential.
I am a Mormon because I know there is modern-day revelation and that the prophets we have on the earth today are true prophets of God
I am a Mormon because I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and can provide strength and guidance.
I am a Mormon because when I have felt 'not good enough', I feel the Savior's love and compassion.
I am a Mormon because when I make mistakes, I feel the realness of the atonement. I can be forgiven.
I am a Mormon because I believe in the Plan of Salvation and know God has a plan for each of us.
I am a Mormon because I honestly wouldn't be who I am today without this church.