Thursday, November 14, 2013

Things You Might Not Know.. (And Probably Don't Care To Know) About Me

This is going to be long and boring, but it was fun to think about random stuff people don't know about me. Here goes nothing...

--> I am that awkward girl that's always singing out loud and doesn't realize it. And when I finally do realize it, it's embarrassing because I don't know how loud or how long I've been doing it. I do it in class, walking around campus, in the store, in the kitchen, in the library, in restrooms.. I am just constantly singing, humming, and mumbling song lyrics. I love music! I can't stop, it's a serious problem.
--> My favorite past time is driving. I love it for a number of reasons... It's either my time of solitude where I can think, reflect, talk to myself, pray, sing at the top of my lungs... OR it's a time to bond with friends and family. Some of the greatest talks, friendships, and funnest memories came from long drives, road trips, or just cruising around.
--> I made a goal two years ago to not think badly of people. Whenever I did, I had to list three compliments in my head for them. As cheesy as this is, I rarely think badly of people anymore. It's been a life-changing thing
--> I love scenery. This kind of refers back to why I love driving; I could travel cross country without an ounce of sleep. I would never blink. I honestly get emotional because I think my surroundings are beautiful everywhere I go. I know, I sound like one of "those" weird people. It's true though...
--> My passion for exercise and sports is great, but my love for food will forever be greater.
--> I notice EVERYTHING. I pick up on EVERYTHING. I can read situations and people around me like it's my job. This also makes me a little bit of a creep because I make connections, inferences, pick up on DETAILS, and put it all together. It's like a puzzle. I listen well, and remember EVERYTHING. And this is why I think I'm creepy.
--> I am torn between where I would want to live when I'm done with school and starting a family and such because I love the country life, but I live for the city life. The sweet small-town aura lures me, while the subways, tall buildings, and night lights intrigue me.
--> I feel really cool when traveling on an airplane. I secretly pretend like I'm some important business person... Every time.
--> I'm well-rounded. It's a blessing, but frustrating. I am good at a lot of things, but have never excelled in one specific thing.
--> You know those color personality tests? Well, when I took them in high school I was always a dominant "red" personality: the anal, controlling, outspoken, opinionated, bossy one. However, in college I've noticed a huge difference. I'm super chilled-out. I recently took a personality test for a class the other day and I am a three-way tie with red, blue, and white. This is goes back to my well-roundness... It's not just in my interests, but also my character. I'm super easy to please. My interests vary soo widely, that I fit in with most personalities. I have friends from all walks of life. It's a good thing, but I catch myself just blending into whatever my current surrounding is-which can be dangerous.
--> I'm an introvert. I know what you're thinking... Yes, I have a lot of friends, but I prefer intimacy and seriousness over large groups. Socializing is sometimes a burden to me, and I just want to go sit in my room lol. People often mistake my shyness and perma-glare for being a brat. I'm just awkward, people!
I am a truck girl. The only two vehicles I've owned are an F-150 and a Ford Ranger. I don't think I could ever drive a small car. Blechk! My dream vehicle is an bright orange jeep or a pearl-colored escalade.

Monday, November 11, 2013

11/11-The ELEVEN People Who Matter Most.

It's the wonderful month of Thanksgiving and it happens to be 11/11, so I decided to write about the eleven people who matter most. Here it goes.

In the good ol' days of Myspace, there was a category on your profile that was titled "heroes" where you wrote about important people in your life.
Being my teenage self, I broadly listed "family" but then wrote long paragraphs about my friends individually. Family was just the general thing you were supposed to say, but friends were the "cool" thing to write about.

Friends were my number one priority in middle school and high school.
If I had the choice between sitting down and eating dinner with my family, or taking a trip to the mall with my friends, you can guarantee that I would be out that door in a matter of minutes.

I always had my family sitting on the back burner, and didn't care to strengthen my relationships with them. Family would always be there for me. Plus, it was important to stay caught up on your social life, right?

Well, if I have learned one thing over the past two years, I have learned that...

| F A M I L Y  | M A T T E R S | M O S T |


After all, we live with our families, spend every holiday with our families, we grew up with our families, for goodness sake we will spend TIME AND ALL ETERNITY with our families, so WHY is it so important to cherish our relationships with them NOW?

Think about it, this life is hard. Every day we go through struggles. I think that our family is greatest support system we have, our best cheerleaders, and our funniest memories. We are placed in families to assist each other in making it to the Celestial Kingdom. I believe that families are the closest thing that we have to heaven here on this earth. 

And the best part of it all, is that we can carry these memories and relationships with us into the next life. 


When did I finally realize all this?

It definitely was not all at once. In fact, it was very gradual, and I think it's the most unexpected things  can bring you to realize your blessings.

> It could be your mother's health problems...  I love my mother, and know that as much of a trial those were and continue to be, it is a blessing in disguise because I love her more than ever now. I do not take her for granted.

> It could simply be receiving a priesthood blessing from your father... My bond with my dad is so strong, and I know that is from allowing him to exercise his priesthood and patriarch power. That love I feel is from not only a loving earthly father, but a very mindful Heavenly Father.

> It could be having a brother gone on a mission for two years... I truly came to see that he played such a large role in my life. I missed him dearly. I cherish all the time I can spend with him now.

> It could be the opportunity to witness and be a part of two older sisters' weddings ... It has motivated me to become closer with them, even now that they have their own lives and families. I also want to learn from them and their experiences. And seeing them become mothers has been an extraordinary thing as well. Our bond as sisters is growing every day.

> It could also be watching a little sister grow up and blossom into a beautiful teenager. Thinking about it truly is tear-jerking  and has me nostalgic for our memories as little girls. It makes me want to try harder and reach out to her, as I know those teenage years are rough.

It's small things like that, that have really changed my perspective on WHY family matters. 

So if you asked me today if I would rather play a board game with my family, or go to to a movie with a friend... I would easily choose family. It may have taken me 19 years to realize this, but hey, I'm a stubborn girl. :)

Now the moment we've all been waiting for... drumroll ... 

| T H E | E L E V E N | P E O P L E | W H O | M A T T E R | M O S T |

 I consider myself such a "daddy's girl" because he has always made me feel so special. I enjoy being his little princess and his "AnCan". All of my siblings will tell you that he is good at making each kid feel individually special and important to him. I can truly say that I KNOW my dad loves me. He tells me and shows me all the time. A little text, a little compliment, a little hug, a little tickle. He does this thing when I'm sitting on the couch and he comes up and digs his chin on the top of my head, and it's his way of saying "I love you". I always joke that my dad passed down all of his bad traits to me--bad joints, terrible allergies, a big nose ;) etc--but in reality, I love having so much in common with my dad. We have very similar personalities which makes it difficult at times, but makes it also very fun to have conversations with. We also have very similar interests, likes, and dislikes, which makes it easy and and a blast to spend time with. I love playing sports with him, listening to music with him, traveling with him, singing with him, and just being around him. I love how intelligent he is, and how spiritual he is. Because of this, I value his opinion so much. As a little kid and even in high school, I always wanted to impress my dad because I held him on such a pedestal. I still hold him on that pedestal, but I have come to know he loves me no matter what. I love you dad.


Would your mother literally and I mean LITERALLY give up everything she had, all of her time, all of her worldly things, all of her strength, energy, and thought into helping you? I doubt it. MY MOM WOULD. My mother is the most selfless person I have ever met. She hardly does anything in her life that is NOT in service to another person. I cannot tell you the last time my mom has shopped for herself, gotten her hair done, gone on vacation, took a day off, or even taken a small break from serving. She is literally an angel. I don't know how her five bratty kids deserved such a sweet lady, but we are blessed. Not only is she the most giving and service-oriented people I know, but she is beautiful, smart, crafty, athletic, musical, and funny! Her laugh is contagious! When my mom starts laughing, you cannot help but laugh. It brings me to tears sometimes. She is the sweetest wife, mother, grandmother, neighbor, daughter, aunt, and friend. Anyone will agree. I love my mother.


My sister Krys is the biggest goober you will ever meet. My siblings and I tease her all the time because she is such a dweeb ;) Her cute little quirks are seriously the best thing about her. She makes me laugh every day. More than that, she is such a smart woman with her head on her shoulders. She is driven, and when she sets her mind to something, she will do it. I envy her ability to be so responsible and smart with life decisions. I love spending time with Krystal and just chit-chatting. I can tell her anything, she is very trustworthy and gives great advice. She makes a wonderful mother because she is fun, patient, kind, and a GREAT teacher. It's no wonder that her profession is in elementary education, because she is a wonderful teacher and role model to kids. I love you Krys!


| ARIK |
Arkin Parkin has been a part of my family for so long, he literally is more than a brother-in-law. He is a wonderful brother! He's funny (looking), down-to-earth, smart, well-rounded, and just overall a great person to be around. P.S. he introduces me to great music, so that's a plus. However, sometimes a 6 hour car ride of Modest Mouse is just a little too much :P I love you Arik!


KATHERBALOO! She is a sensitive person, which is honestly a good thing because she knows when you're having a bad day, or when you just need someone to talk to. She says things that make you feel so much better about yourself. Kathrynn is there for you when you need emotional support. Her compassion is so immense, and she doesn't want anyone feeling sad, lonely, stressed, or upset. She's genuine; when she gives a compliment or says something sweet, she truly means it. Her heart is so big, and she loves to give, give, give! If she had all the money in the world, I think she would rather buy a million gifts for her family and friends than spend a dime on herself! ;) I want to be as loving as her one day, but I want her to know that she is truly an amazing person whom I look up to. She's the cutest mommy ever as well! I love you!


Jaron, Jaron, Jaron. I remember when Kath first brought him around the family there was an INSTANT bond. I have always thought he was the greatest guy, and perfect for my sister. I consider him a brother and am so thankful that two years ago today, he was added to our family. I can't think of a better person to be raising my nieces, married to my sissy, and joining the Denos clan!


My brother is the greatest friend I've ever had, hands down. He is truly my best friend. I don't know what I would do without him. When we were little, i was the fatter and bigger sister who could beat up on her OLDER brother--oh wait, I still am :P .. Hahaha I have countless memories with him all the way from playing dinosaurs as little toddlers, singing and dancing in the kitchen, running intervals on the track, meeting Jazz players, cruising in the Ranger on the canal roads with too many people shoved in there, to shooting hoops with him just the other day. He has always been my number one support system. He believed in me from day one in high school, and I am glad that I was able to show something for it. Not many people can say that their older brother was their captain as well. Watching him be a leader and work hard, motivated me so much. Not only in sports, but also spiritually. He is such an example to me, and the rest of us siblings. His absence for two years was hard, but holy cow I love having my dorky brother back! The other day he called me while I was here at college and we chatted for two hours about life. I can tell him anything and I know he's listening. My whole family would agree that my brother is the peace-maker and brings us all together with his fun-loving and easy-going personality. I am so thankful for him. I love you, brother!


I know that a lot of people won't believe me when I say this, but Charli knows me better than most people. She knows my crazy side, my ornery side, my wild side, my discouraged side, my sad side, my angry side, my rebellious side, my spiritual side,  my excited side, my goofy side, and about any other side of me I have. Sometimes when I didn't know who to turn to, I would turn to my little baby sister and just spill out my entire life to her. Obviously her being much younger than me, she would just try to grasp what her crazy teenager sister was saying. For instance when I talked to her about a boy I was dating, my then ten-year-old sister would reply "So, do you have a crush on him or something?"  Even in my first year of college, I expressed my stress to her one day. I broke down and cried about how I couldn't balance school and work. She rubbed my back and said "Don't cry sissy, I will help you."  She proceeded to help me make my final project and cut and glued countless pages for me. I don't even know if she remembers these small incidences, but they have stuck with me. Charli gets me the most out of anybody. I have so much to work on with our relationship, but I love her more than words can say. I hope she knows how beautiful and special she is. Just like her sister Kathrynn, her heart is so big and loving. She is one of the most accepting people I know. I love you, Barcelona!


Donovan is the light of my life! Ever since he was born, he has brought new meaning into my life. The moment I first held him, I could literally feel overwhelming and unconditional love for him. It was just a small glimpse of what motherhood is going to be like, and even more, the love that Heavenly Father has for each of his children. I didn't know that such a tiny little guy could come into this world and sweep me off of my feet. He is such a curious, entertaining, cute, crazy, and handsome little boy. I love his smile, and the way his eyes light up when he recognizes his auntie "Dee Dee". I could kiss him a million times, and still want to give him another one. I feel bad that not everybody has such a cutie patootie for a nephew like I do. I love you so much Donovan!


Violet has these beautiful big eyes, and when she smiles, it's so contagious that you cannot look away. She has such a sweet and calm spirit about her, and I cannot wait to get to know her as she grows up and keeps developing her cute little personality. I love you Violet!


Sayler is the spunky little twin who is already a curious little girl. Her laugh and smile brighten my day. She is so pretty, and looks like her mother. I love Sayler Ann so much! I am one lucky aunt!