Sweet Like Andy™
Friday, July 28, 2017
Friday, November 7, 2014
The Google definition of Gratitude is:
"the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness."
#MonthOfGratitude #November #Thankful #FoodForThought #IWantThanksgivingFood
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
2:00 a.m. thoughts
If such a passive word like "waiting" is considered to be a verb, then other vague words like "someone" could be considered a person, the word "something" could be an object and "nowhere" considered a place.
Don't be waiting around for someone or something to come along and change your life -- it will get you nowhere.
-Andy's 2:00 a.m. thoughts
-Andy's 2:00 a.m. thoughts
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Am I being slothful?
I had a casual meeting with my Bishop and he asked how my marriage preparations were going and I thought, 'They're good. I've got the dress. I've got the place. I've got the food... I mean I still have plenty to do, but it's good!' It then occurred to me, that is not what preparing for a wedding truly should be..
So I just responded with "It's going good."
He went on to mention how being a member of the church is not just 'attending church' - it is SO much more. It is upholding callings, participating in activities, serving, living it daily etc. I often think, 'I attend church, read and pray daily.. That should be enough.' I left the meeting kind of upset and annoyed. That's not what I wanted to hear ..
After pondering it (by going on a 6 mile run talking to myself) I finally humbled myself and came back down to earth.
After pondering it (by going on a 6 mile run talking to myself) I finally humbled myself and came back down to earth.
It got me thinking back to his initial question. Am I preparing for a wedding or am I preparing for an eternal marriage? Is just being worthy of a temple recommend enough to get married?
The answer is no. There is SO much more. Some things I currently do are study scriptures with my fiance and read talks together. We also try to pray together whenever we get the chance. Those are wonderful things, but there is more.
Am I attending temple preparation classes? Am I going to all three hours of church every week? Am I studying all material/talks on temples that I can? Do I dress in a way that will allow the transition to be easy when switching to garments? Am I always keeping the spirit with me by avoiding crude music and other entertainment? Do I look to serve others and my fiance? Am I attending the temple as often as I can?
Cakes, dresses, decorations, pictures ... blah blah.. That is for a WEDDING, but what about the MARRIAGE?
I want to share an experience I had the morning after I met with my Bishop. I was reading in Alma 47 when Alma is talking to his son Helaman about the Liahona. He says in verse 41,
"Nevertheless, because those miracles were worked by small means it did show unto them marvelous works. They were slothful, and forgot to exercise their faith and diligence and then those marvelous works ceased, and they did not progress in their journey.."
Then verse 42 goes on to say
"Therefore, they tarried in the wilderness, or did not travel a direct course, and were afflicted with hunger and thirst, because of their transgressions."
Being slothful IS a transgression. Wow. I've never thought of laziness in the gospel as a sin. Am I being slothful in preparing for an eternal marriage? Am I being slothful in preparing to enter the temple and make sacred covenants?
I don't believe in coincidences and I know I needed to read that scripture. Being a member who just keeps the commandments and attends church is not enough.
Ask yourself, "Am I being slothful?"
I sure am slothful a good amount of the time.. I have so much to work on. I am thankful for an inspired Bishop. I am thankful for the Book of Mormon. I am thankful for the opportunity to be getting married and hope I can do more things to prepare. I love this gospel and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Faith CAN be a Perfect Knowledge.
I've read Alma 32 a million times - or so it seems - and something just REALLY stood out for the first time the other day while I was reading it again. Funny how teachers and church leaders tell us that you can read something over and over again and gain something new each time, and we just rolled our eyes. (At least I did).. But honestly, the scriptures apply so differently depending on the point in your life, which trials you're facing, age, etc.
We learn in chapter 32 that faith is not a perfect knowledge of things. However in verse 33-35 it talks about how when you plant that seed of faith, and you FEEL its goodness, is that not a perfect knowledge IN THAT MOMENT? After receiving a blessing, is that warmth not enough to be perfect knowledge? When you receive an answer to a prayer, is that not perfect knowledge in that thing?
34 And now, behold, is your knowledge perfect? Yea, your knowledge is perfect in that thing, and your faith is dormant; and this because you know, for ye know that the word hath swelled your souls, and ye also know that it hath sprouted up, that your understanding doth begin to be enlightened, and your mind doth begin to expand.
Alma 32:34
Our faith will not and cannot be perfect in all things at all times due to the veil, but it can be perfect in ONE THING at ONE MOMENT. Faith can be a perfect knowledge of things.
When we have little faith in something, if we keep focusing on the doubts, OF COURSE it will die. Our plant will die. However, the seed is always there. We can't take back something/a feeling/a moment/a memory when we FELT that goodness, that TRUTH!
There are plenty of times where I've had serious question and wonder and honestly, all it takes is a reflection back to when I first felt that seed planted. I have almost file folders of "first times". The first time I knew Heavenly Father loved me. The first time I knew the gospel was true. The first time I gained a testimony of Joseph Smith. During rough times, I can bring those "files" out to lean on and remember. Remember HOW I Felt and WHY I felt that way.
If we just continually nourish it and seek to rekindle that feeling we once felt, I PROMISE, it will come back and grow again. Just as there are seasons in nature, there are seasons of spirituality. We are never always going to be in full bloom, but through light, exposure, nourishment, and feasting on the gospel, we will sprout that seed.
So, if you're doubting something, ask Heavenly Father to assist you in finding ways to bring that perfect knowledge back. That's the key, we can ask, but WE must DO.
If you're doubting Priesthood, ask for a blessing!
If you're doubting tithing, pay it!
If you're doubting the temple, perform baptisms or attend a session!
If you're doubting the prophet, listen to a talk!
If you're doubting Joseph Smith, study D&C!
If you're doubting prayer, PRAY!
If you're doubting the Book of Mormon, read more and study longer. Ask questions!
If you're doubting the purpose of your calling, serve more, do MORE!
36 Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither must ye lay aside your faith, for ye have only exercised your faith to plant the seed that ye might try the experiment to know if the seed was good.
Alma 32:36
Even if we don't fully understand the 'Why's" and "How's", we will feel that light. And we learn that "Whatsoever is light, is good."
We are promised that by continually nourishing our seed of faith, we WILL reap the rewards:
43 Then, my brethren, ye shall reap the rewards of your faith, and your diligence, and patience, and long-suffering, waiting for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you.
Alma 32:43
Referencing "fruit" it tells us it represents everlasting life. And the promise doesn't end there, "And then may God grant unto you that your burdens may be light, through the joy of his Son."
Through planting a seed of faith, exercising the faith, nourishing that seed and enduring with patience, we may receive the ultimate gift and it is all through the joy of Christ.
Christ is joy. The gospel is joy. Everlasting life is joy. Faith is joy.
I love the scriptures and have a testimony of these truths. Amen.
We learn in chapter 32 that faith is not a perfect knowledge of things. However in verse 33-35 it talks about how when you plant that seed of faith, and you FEEL its goodness, is that not a perfect knowledge IN THAT MOMENT? After receiving a blessing, is that warmth not enough to be perfect knowledge? When you receive an answer to a prayer, is that not perfect knowledge in that thing?
34 And now, behold, is your knowledge perfect? Yea, your knowledge is perfect in that thing, and your faith is dormant; and this because you know, for ye know that the word hath swelled your souls, and ye also know that it hath sprouted up, that your understanding doth begin to be enlightened, and your mind doth begin to expand.
Alma 32:34
Our faith will not and cannot be perfect in all things at all times due to the veil, but it can be perfect in ONE THING at ONE MOMENT. Faith can be a perfect knowledge of things.
When we have little faith in something, if we keep focusing on the doubts, OF COURSE it will die. Our plant will die. However, the seed is always there. We can't take back something/a feeling/a moment/a memory when we FELT that goodness, that TRUTH!
There are plenty of times where I've had serious question and wonder and honestly, all it takes is a reflection back to when I first felt that seed planted. I have almost file folders of "first times". The first time I knew Heavenly Father loved me. The first time I knew the gospel was true. The first time I gained a testimony of Joseph Smith. During rough times, I can bring those "files" out to lean on and remember. Remember HOW I Felt and WHY I felt that way.
If we just continually nourish it and seek to rekindle that feeling we once felt, I PROMISE, it will come back and grow again. Just as there are seasons in nature, there are seasons of spirituality. We are never always going to be in full bloom, but through light, exposure, nourishment, and feasting on the gospel, we will sprout that seed.
So, if you're doubting something, ask Heavenly Father to assist you in finding ways to bring that perfect knowledge back. That's the key, we can ask, but WE must DO.
If you're doubting Priesthood, ask for a blessing!
If you're doubting tithing, pay it!
If you're doubting the temple, perform baptisms or attend a session!
If you're doubting the prophet, listen to a talk!
If you're doubting Joseph Smith, study D&C!
If you're doubting prayer, PRAY!
If you're doubting the Book of Mormon, read more and study longer. Ask questions!
If you're doubting the purpose of your calling, serve more, do MORE!
36 Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither must ye lay aside your faith, for ye have only exercised your faith to plant the seed that ye might try the experiment to know if the seed was good.
Alma 32:36
Even if we don't fully understand the 'Why's" and "How's", we will feel that light. And we learn that "Whatsoever is light, is good."
We are promised that by continually nourishing our seed of faith, we WILL reap the rewards:
43 Then, my brethren, ye shall reap the rewards of your faith, and your diligence, and patience, and long-suffering, waiting for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you.
Alma 32:43
Referencing "fruit" it tells us it represents everlasting life. And the promise doesn't end there, "And then may God grant unto you that your burdens may be light, through the joy of his Son."
Through planting a seed of faith, exercising the faith, nourishing that seed and enduring with patience, we may receive the ultimate gift and it is all through the joy of Christ.
Christ is joy. The gospel is joy. Everlasting life is joy. Faith is joy.
I love the scriptures and have a testimony of these truths. Amen.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
I said yes - before he even asked ;)
Engagement stories are fun, right? I always love hearing other people's - thought I'd share mine. I'm not trying to be 'that' girl. I just really want to share this beautiful, spiritual experience that my fiance made so perfect.
Let me start from the beginning...
So a month ago, Polo and I were shopping in the Las Vegas outlets. We were walking out of the Nike store and saw a Kay Jewelers and Zales.. We both looked at each other and thought, 'what the heck?' We had never really looked and our intentions were just to browse, but I FOUND THE RING OF MY DREAMS. I was in love (lust?) with this ring. We decided on not getting it and went throughout the rest of our day. You can bet I dreamt of that ring from that night on.
His family reunion was taking place just a couple weeks later in Vegas, and he told me he would look and see if it was still there. I was told by him that it was no longer there and because of the fact they were an outlet jeweler, rings come and go fast. I was disappointed but hid it pretty well. I figured we'd find another one in the future.
Little did I know, he had gotten the ring.
He had told me that he wanted to take me for a picnic up by the temple after I got off work the next day. Now, some people say, 'Well isn't that obvious engagement territory?' .. Not really because we go up there all the time to talk or just to sit on the temple grounds! Plus, I thought there was no ring at this point. So anyway, after work we did some shopping at the District (to kill time apparently) :P and afterward we headed for Oquirrh Mountain temple. I asked, "Do you even have the picnic stuff?" he replied, "Yup, I'm all set. It's in my backpack!" I glanced back at a bulky backpack and assumed it was full of bread (gluten-free of course) :P and lunch meat.
As we were driving, I noticed he looked a little uneasy. I asked if he was OK and he said, "Yea, let's finish reading Alma 23 right now." That was the chapter we were on and I thought nothing of it as I grabbed his scripture quad. I read aloud and apparently he was not really listening, simply having me do this to ease his nerves. (He told me later that night that he was terrified and was hoping the scriptures would help strengthen him to go through with this). Hey, it clearly worked! ;)
We park at the temple, he grabs the backpack and we walk to the grounds hand-in-hand. It was a beautiful day; the sky all different shades of blue and the sun was still high in the sky even at 6:00 pm, as tomorrow would mark the first day of summer. I was sweating. Granted, it was hot, but I was REALLY SWEATING all of the sudden. My heart started pounding. I didn't know why, but it was racing a million miles an hour. The spirit then told me that this was going to be a very important day in my life.
In church we learn the spirit has a still small voice, but when He needs to tell you something, it can be pretty booming. I felt it through my entire body and I am feeling it now as I type. It is undeniable and real.
As we're walking, I noticed some guy over in the trees with a camera around his neck but chose to think nothing of it. I assumed he was just taking pictures of the grounds. I almost knew in the back of my mind, but I refused to look at him closer because I thought maybe I was just getting my hopes up for something.
We plopped on the grass and he said almost immediately, "Andrea, I want you to go on a journey with me." My heart continued thumping and I thought 'OK, he might be taking me on a scavenger hunt or something, this is cute. He can't be proposing, there's no ring Andy, no ring. Stop over-thinking!' He continued, "There's some things you'll need for this journey." He brought out my favorite snack and drink from his bag and said "First, you gotta have your favorite treats for a journey!" Of course that made me smile and laugh. What a dork :)
"Here is the second thing you'll need for this journey," he said as he pulled out a white box that he wrote the words, 'Our Center' on . I opened it and it was a statue of Christ - the Christus. He said, "I want this to be the center of our lives and center of everything we do together." I started tearing up and the spirit testified to me the truthfulness of this statement. I was overwhelmed with emotion.
Well, I thought maybe that was it. I was thinking, 'Awwww, he took me to the temple to tell me all this and give me a gift, how thoughtful!' I literally thought that was all! However, he pulls out third gift and it's a picture frame. Inside the frame is a little picture he drew. I'm shaking a little as I look closer at this stick figure drawing and see a man kneeling down to a girl and the girl is saying "Yes! Yes! Yes!"
My hand immediately covered my mouth and there was no more 'maybe' to this situation. I knew it was happening. I look up and his hand reached in his bag one last time.
He said, "You're going to want to stand up for this last gift."
I immediately rose as he got on one knee, pulled out a silver box and propped it open. "Andrea Lu," he said, "I love you and want you to be my partner for eternity and want you to join me on this journey" - and I couldn't even hold back, I said "YES!" before he finished! Hahahaha (I still laugh about it) I said yes before he even asked ;) He smiled and continued, "Will you marry me?" and I said yes again! He put the ring on my finger, stood up and gave me a big embrace. The whole time I am still in shock, sweating and practically hyperventilating."Smile for the camera!" he says as I turn to see the man I previously spotted - his friend and roommate Quinton
After it all happened, I was immediately shouting "I need to call my mom, my sisters, my dad, my friends!" He laughed and said, "They all know. There's a barbecue for you back at your house."
When I got home family immediately started rushing out the door and congratulating me. My mom had a cake made that said, 'Congrats Andrea and Polo!' with little cupcakes that had diamond rings on them. My mom and Polo = cheesiest people alive. That's why I love them.
I remember feeling anxious/nervous/scared for when this day would come. I thought that he would be down on his knees and I would feel unsure or hesitant and terrified that it determined the rest of my life. I thought my mind would be clouded and spinning. Instead, I felt overwhelmed with the spirit. Although my body was sweating and heart wouldn't hold still (dang terrestrial problems), my mind was at complete peace. I mean, I said YES before he finished for heavens sake! I have never felt so right and comforted about a decision and I know that I am supposed to marry him. I love him with all my heart and am so excited to begin my "journey" with him.
My favorite part is that he put Christ FIRST. He didn't show this glamorous ring and then mention Christ and the temple afterward. He mentioned that Christ is the CENTER of everything and THEN proposed. It reminds me of a quote by Marjorie Hinckley that says,
Just another confirmation to me that I am marrying a righteous and spiritual young man.
So yes, it was a complete surprise and I was in shock. But on June 20th, 2014 I became the happiest girl alive.
I haven't received our actual 'in-the-moment' pictures, but here are some cheesy posed ones we took afterward. I was floating on a cloud that entire night:
Let me start from the beginning...
So a month ago, Polo and I were shopping in the Las Vegas outlets. We were walking out of the Nike store and saw a Kay Jewelers and Zales.. We both looked at each other and thought, 'what the heck?' We had never really looked and our intentions were just to browse, but I FOUND THE RING OF MY DREAMS. I was in love (lust?) with this ring. We decided on not getting it and went throughout the rest of our day. You can bet I dreamt of that ring from that night on.
His family reunion was taking place just a couple weeks later in Vegas, and he told me he would look and see if it was still there. I was told by him that it was no longer there and because of the fact they were an outlet jeweler, rings come and go fast. I was disappointed but hid it pretty well. I figured we'd find another one in the future.
Little did I know, he had gotten the ring.
About a month later, he came down on a Thursday to see me from Logan like he does every week on his day off and took me ring shopping once again. No luck. I just wanted that one I already fell in love with! We even looked at customizing that exact ring and took a pamphlet home from Kay Jewelers to do so. That was the plan - or so I thought.He had told me that he wanted to take me for a picnic up by the temple after I got off work the next day. Now, some people say, 'Well isn't that obvious engagement territory?' .. Not really because we go up there all the time to talk or just to sit on the temple grounds! Plus, I thought there was no ring at this point. So anyway, after work we did some shopping at the District (to kill time apparently) :P and afterward we headed for Oquirrh Mountain temple. I asked, "Do you even have the picnic stuff?" he replied, "Yup, I'm all set. It's in my backpack!" I glanced back at a bulky backpack and assumed it was full of bread (gluten-free of course) :P and lunch meat.
As we were driving, I noticed he looked a little uneasy. I asked if he was OK and he said, "Yea, let's finish reading Alma 23 right now." That was the chapter we were on and I thought nothing of it as I grabbed his scripture quad. I read aloud and apparently he was not really listening, simply having me do this to ease his nerves. (He told me later that night that he was terrified and was hoping the scriptures would help strengthen him to go through with this). Hey, it clearly worked! ;)
We park at the temple, he grabs the backpack and we walk to the grounds hand-in-hand. It was a beautiful day; the sky all different shades of blue and the sun was still high in the sky even at 6:00 pm, as tomorrow would mark the first day of summer. I was sweating. Granted, it was hot, but I was REALLY SWEATING all of the sudden. My heart started pounding. I didn't know why, but it was racing a million miles an hour. The spirit then told me that this was going to be a very important day in my life.
In church we learn the spirit has a still small voice, but when He needs to tell you something, it can be pretty booming. I felt it through my entire body and I am feeling it now as I type. It is undeniable and real.
As we're walking, I noticed some guy over in the trees with a camera around his neck but chose to think nothing of it. I assumed he was just taking pictures of the grounds. I almost knew in the back of my mind, but I refused to look at him closer because I thought maybe I was just getting my hopes up for something.
We plopped on the grass and he said almost immediately, "Andrea, I want you to go on a journey with me." My heart continued thumping and I thought 'OK, he might be taking me on a scavenger hunt or something, this is cute. He can't be proposing, there's no ring Andy, no ring. Stop over-thinking!' He continued, "There's some things you'll need for this journey." He brought out my favorite snack and drink from his bag and said "First, you gotta have your favorite treats for a journey!" Of course that made me smile and laugh. What a dork :)
"Here is the second thing you'll need for this journey," he said as he pulled out a white box that he wrote the words, 'Our Center' on . I opened it and it was a statue of Christ - the Christus. He said, "I want this to be the center of our lives and center of everything we do together." I started tearing up and the spirit testified to me the truthfulness of this statement. I was overwhelmed with emotion.
Well, I thought maybe that was it. I was thinking, 'Awwww, he took me to the temple to tell me all this and give me a gift, how thoughtful!' I literally thought that was all! However, he pulls out third gift and it's a picture frame. Inside the frame is a little picture he drew. I'm shaking a little as I look closer at this stick figure drawing and see a man kneeling down to a girl and the girl is saying "Yes! Yes! Yes!"
My hand immediately covered my mouth and there was no more 'maybe' to this situation. I knew it was happening. I look up and his hand reached in his bag one last time.
He said, "You're going to want to stand up for this last gift."
I immediately rose as he got on one knee, pulled out a silver box and propped it open. "Andrea Lu," he said, "I love you and want you to be my partner for eternity and want you to join me on this journey" - and I couldn't even hold back, I said "YES!" before he finished! Hahahaha (I still laugh about it) I said yes before he even asked ;) He smiled and continued, "Will you marry me?" and I said yes again! He put the ring on my finger, stood up and gave me a big embrace. The whole time I am still in shock, sweating and practically hyperventilating."Smile for the camera!" he says as I turn to see the man I previously spotted - his friend and roommate Quinton
After it all happened, I was immediately shouting "I need to call my mom, my sisters, my dad, my friends!" He laughed and said, "They all know. There's a barbecue for you back at your house."
When I got home family immediately started rushing out the door and congratulating me. My mom had a cake made that said, 'Congrats Andrea and Polo!' with little cupcakes that had diamond rings on them. My mom and Polo = cheesiest people alive. That's why I love them.
I remember feeling anxious/nervous/scared for when this day would come. I thought that he would be down on his knees and I would feel unsure or hesitant and terrified that it determined the rest of my life. I thought my mind would be clouded and spinning. Instead, I felt overwhelmed with the spirit. Although my body was sweating and heart wouldn't hold still (dang terrestrial problems), my mind was at complete peace. I mean, I said YES before he finished for heavens sake! I have never felt so right and comforted about a decision and I know that I am supposed to marry him. I love him with all my heart and am so excited to begin my "journey" with him.
My favorite part is that he put Christ FIRST. He didn't show this glamorous ring and then mention Christ and the temple afterward. He mentioned that Christ is the CENTER of everything and THEN proposed. It reminds me of a quote by Marjorie Hinckley that says,
“As we got closer to marriage, I felt completely confident that Gordon loved me. But I also knew somehow that I would never come first with him. I knew I was going to be second in his life and that the Lord was going to be first. And that was okay. It seemed to me that if you understood the gospel and the purpose of our being here, you would want a husband who put the Lord first.”
So yes, it was a complete surprise and I was in shock. But on June 20th, 2014 I became the happiest girl alive.
I haven't received our actual 'in-the-moment' pictures, but here are some cheesy posed ones we took afterward. I was floating on a cloud that entire night:
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
It's Normal, You're normal.
I'm here to write about what every girl goes through every single day. I have felt strongly that I needed to write on this topic because I know it is such a common struggle.
We hear that "looks aren't everything".. But they play a big part in our lives. How we look and how we feel about our appearance can make a difference in our every day lives.
In middle school, ALL of my friends had boys who liked them. However, I was taller than most kids my age and just had a wide boy-ish build. While my peers were in 00 size pants, I was already wearing a size 7. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't fat in the least but I had the most awkward body. Broad shoulders, no chest, very skinny stomach, with large thighs. I was disproportionate. I looked around at all these 5'3" 115 lb girls and it killed me.
In high school and college I struggled with some acne and I was embarrassed to even make eye contact with people sometimes. I saw those girls with porcelain skin and thought how I wish SO BADLY I could walk out the door feeling confident with my face. I still have acne scars to this day.
I played it off pretty well like I was a confident person most of my life, but those who truly know me, understand how much I struggle with self-esteem.
The thing that has made it worse for me throughout the years, issocial networking. I am not a very jealous person by nature, but I suddenly found myself longing and wishing I looked like or had the body, hair and lives of other people. I wanted to slap my self! This is not the Andy I knew. I found myself in complete disgust and HATE for my appearance after scrolling through Instagram or Facebook.
It would cause me to go stare at the mirror hating what I saw. Why can't my thighs be skinnier, my smile more straight, my lips bigger, my skin clearer, my nose smaller and my skin tanner like those other girls?
It's n o r m a l to feel this way. Every girl does. However, just because it's normal, doesn't mean it's a good thing to keep criticizing yourself.
stop it.
Stop it.
Wishing, hoping, scrolling and envying does no good. I find that instead, if you compliment and genuinely feel happy FOR someone, it makes you feel better. I love giving compliments because it stops me from getting those negative thoughts about myself and replaces it with positivity.
I, along with many other girls just need to accept what we look like. There are definitely things we can do personally such as: working out more often, eating cleaner, cutting out sugar and soda, getting more sleep, etc.
Some people choose to purchase nice clothes, expensive hair products, get spray tans, extensions, fake eyelashes.. etc. That's fine. If it makes you feel confident, great! But at the end of the day, we are still the same person. I will always look like Andrea Lu Denos. No amount of makeup, cute clothes or photo filters will change what I truly look like.
But I also need to understand that I have a body built for athletics and it allows me to do activities I love.
I need to accept that I have a lot of wrinkles and creases on the sides of my eyes when I smile.
But I also need to understand that I have bright blue eyes that stand out more than any creases do.
I need to accept that I have a nose that curves out and doesn't give me that "super-model" profile. I dislike taking any pictures from the side.
But I also need to understand that it gives me character and makes me look different than most.
I need to accept that I will always have uneven skin tones with blemishes.
But I also need to understand that I have cute freckles that appear in the summertime.
I need to accept that my hair is flat and stringy and I will never have the big voluptuous beach hair.
But I also need to understand that at least I have beautiful long healthy hair.
I need to accept that I may not have all the money in the world to buy expensive clothes.
But I also need to understand that I can pull off jeans and a t-shirt just as well.
I need to accept that no matter what I try, I will always have pretty bad eczema on my arms that cause it to be bumpy and purple.
But I also need to understand that it could be a lot worse, and it least it's just on my arm!
I need to accept that I will never have skinny thighs that do not touch, and I will never fit in a size 3.
But I also need to understand that I have really awesome long legs.
We hear that "looks aren't everything".. But they play a big part in our lives. How we look and how we feel about our appearance can make a difference in our every day lives.
In middle school, ALL of my friends had boys who liked them. However, I was taller than most kids my age and just had a wide boy-ish build. While my peers were in 00 size pants, I was already wearing a size 7. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't fat in the least but I had the most awkward body. Broad shoulders, no chest, very skinny stomach, with large thighs. I was disproportionate. I looked around at all these 5'3" 115 lb girls and it killed me.
In high school and college I struggled with some acne and I was embarrassed to even make eye contact with people sometimes. I saw those girls with porcelain skin and thought how I wish SO BADLY I could walk out the door feeling confident with my face. I still have acne scars to this day.
I played it off pretty well like I was a confident person most of my life, but those who truly know me, understand how much I struggle with self-esteem.
The thing that has made it worse for me throughout the years, is
It would cause me to go stare at the mirror hating what I saw. Why can't my thighs be skinnier, my smile more straight, my lips bigger, my skin clearer, my nose smaller and my skin tanner like those other girls?
It's n o r m a l to feel this way. Every girl does. However, just because it's normal, doesn't mean it's a good thing to keep criticizing yourself.
stop it.
Stop it.
Wishing, hoping, scrolling and envying does no good. I find that instead, if you compliment and genuinely feel happy FOR someone, it makes you feel better. I love giving compliments because it stops me from getting those negative thoughts about myself and replaces it with positivity.
I, along with many other girls just need to accept what we look like. There are definitely things we can do personally such as: working out more often, eating cleaner, cutting out sugar and soda, getting more sleep, etc.
I know that sometimes even spending more time getting ready in the morning helps me feel better about myself. Make a goal to get dolled up at least twice a week! It's a good feeling! :)
Some people choose to purchase nice clothes, expensive hair products, get spray tans, extensions, fake eyelashes.. etc. That's fine. If it makes you feel confident, great! But at the end of the day, we are still the same person. I will always look like Andrea Lu Denos. No amount of makeup, cute clothes or photo filters will change what I truly look like.
TRY THIS: Write a list of everything you dislike about yourself. (I know, I know, this probably sounds like a terrible idea, but I have a point). But instead of writing it as a derogatory statement, write it as something that you just need to accept. After you have done this, give yourself an opposing compliment! It works and really makes you appreciate what you DO have!
I need to accept that I will never weigh 130 lbs.
I need to accept that I have a lot of wrinkles and creases on the sides of my eyes when I smile.
But I also need to understand that I have bright blue eyes that stand out more than any creases do.
I need to accept that I have a nose that curves out and doesn't give me that "super-model" profile. I dislike taking any pictures from the side.
But I also need to understand that it gives me character and makes me look different than most.
I need to accept that I will always have uneven skin tones with blemishes.
But I also need to understand that I have cute freckles that appear in the summertime.
I need to accept that my hair is flat and stringy and I will never have the big voluptuous beach hair.
But I also need to understand that at least I have beautiful long healthy hair.
I need to accept that I may not have all the money in the world to buy expensive clothes.
But I also need to understand that I can pull off jeans and a t-shirt just as well.
I need to accept that no matter what I try, I will always have pretty bad eczema on my arms that cause it to be bumpy and purple.
But I also need to understand that it could be a lot worse, and it least it's just on my arm!
I need to accept that I will never have skinny thighs that do not touch, and I will never fit in a size 3.
But I also need to understand that I have really awesome long legs.
In the end, confidence is subjective. You get to decide whether or not you're confident.
Have you noticed that the most BEAUTIFUL and CONFIDENT people are that way because of their personalities, intelligence, spirit and overall countenance?
I want to end with this video from Sister Elaine S. Dalton and bear my testimony that Heavenly Father created each of his children in His image. He would not create something that was not beautiful. I know that I am a beautiful daughter of God. He wants us to realize and accept our appearance and count our blessings that we have healthy, functioning bodies. More than that, He wants us to know what true beauty is and how to BECOME beautiful people. The Lord looketh upon the heart and sees our DEEP BEAUTY. I know He loves us and I have a great love for Him and our Savior Jesus Christ. He knows our struggles and we can go to him any time we are feeling down, jealous, depressed or even on days where we just don't feel pretty. He listens. I promise. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
PLEASE watch this video :)
PLEASE watch this video :)
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